(404) 793-0011 | drmaiysha@drmaiysha.com

 Take the First Step

When was the last time you allowed yourself to dream, really dream?  There are things we can achieve beyond what we know, but sometimes we let our own limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, fears, and past painful experiences get in the way. Listen, The only way to fail is not to try, and the only way to get started, is to take that first big courageous step.  Let us Help You!

Learn the Tools to ReMap Your Mind. Learn Neurolinguistic Programming, Hypnosis & Rapid Transformation Techniques.

Mind Re-Mapping Mastery: NLP, Hypnosis, & Time Line Therapy® Coach Certification Program

If you want to go deeper into the inner workings of the unconscious mind, learn how to communicate more effectively, eliminate negative beliefs, thoughts, and behavior patterns, get rid of past painful experiences still haunting, then our Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnosis, and Time Line Therapy® training is just what the doctor ordered. Gain more confidence, assertiveness, clarity in your communication, and create a happier, and more joyful authentic life. Click Below to Learn More

Learn More About Our Mind ReMapping Mastery NLP, Hypnosis & Coach Certification Program

Want to Remove the Unconscious Blocks That Could Be Holding You Back Through Our Personal Transformation Coaching

Your Personal Transformation Journey Start Here

"I'm not good enough" "I'm Not Smart Enough" "What if I fail?" 
All of these (and any version of these) conversations are ones that whether you say them out loud or in your head can cause repeated internal trauma. Furthermore it can hold you back from achieving your dreams and desires.  But what if you could get rid of those conversations altogether. You CAN with our Mind ReMapping Personal Transformation Process. Eliminate the stuck negative emotions, and limiting beliefs that keep you stuck, and experience a new level of freedom, expression and empowered self.

Learn More About Mind ReMapping Personal Transformation Coaching

Align Values, Transform Culture, & Bring Sustainability to Your Organization’s Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Programs

Corporate and Healthcare leaders are committed to bringing diversity, equity, inclusion, justice, and partnership to your organization. Most DEI trainings are primarily focusing on bias and systems-based improvements (which are important), however, it can be challenging to translate what you learn about personal bias and bias in the system to day-to-day practical actions with colleagues, leaders, and in the workplace.

This is where specific training and coaching that addresses emotional intelligence, communication intelligence and active can give your leaders tools and the advantage they need to thrive in the system while it’s being improved.

Learn More

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